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Classification of Different Types of Bricks

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Bricks are used for several reasons – especially for the construction of buildings and pavements globally. Bricks are usually placed lying flat and bonded so as to form a structure that increases its strength and stability.

There are different types of bricks that are used for masonry work with most of them being four inches thick and eight inches long.

But in order for you to understand masonry work, it’s important that you get to know the types of bricks that are out there. The main factors that differentiate bricks are their making process, quality, their use and raw material.

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Classification Based on Quality

The quality of a brick is usually classified into three:

First Class Brick

The raw materials used to make first class bricks are high quality with uniform color. They have a regular shape and size and absorb less than 20 percent of water of its own weight when dry. The crushing strength of a first class brick is 105 kg/cm2.

Second Class Brick

This type of brick can slightly be over burned with the size and shape differing from the standard. These bricks absorb less than 22 percent of water of its own dry weight when plunged into fresh water. Moreover, its crushing strength is above 70 kg/cm2.

Third Class Bricks

Absorbing less than 25 percent of water of its own dry weight when submerged into fresh water, they aren’t uniform in both shape and size. Their crushing strength is above 30 kg/cm2.

Classification Based on Raw Material

Bricks can be classified depending on the raw materials used such as:

Burnt Clay Brick

Most widely used brick for construction, burnt clay bricks are usually made from burnt clay.

Fly Ash Clay Brick

Fly ash clay brick is made from a mix of fly ash and that for producing brick.

Concrete Brick

Also referred to as motor brick, concrete brick is made from cement and sand is mostly used in the construction of pavements.

Sand Lime Brick

In this type of brick, lime is used instead of cement mixed with sand to come up with the brick.

Fire Brick

Just from the names, fire bricks are made using fire clay. They are able to tolerate high temperatures without cracking or getting distorted making them the best to use around fireplaces.

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Classification of Bricks Based on Purpose

There are two main factors that determine the use of bricks:

Engineering Bricks

Engineering bricks are burned under extreme high temperatures so as to enable them to become a dense and strong product. These bricks have high damp-proof capabilities and great load bearing capacity.

Common Bricks

Common bricks have no special requirements and are used for general purposes. Since they have no special requirements, it’s important to plaster walls made from these types of bricks.

Choosing Your Brick

As mentioned, there are different ways that bricks are classified. Most times, bricks are bought depending on the masonry work needed.

As such, the first step in choosing a brick is in identifying what you need done. We hope that our guide has helped you choose the right brick for your masonry work.


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